Winner in the competition "Innovation creates advantage" for public clients are the Berlin city cleaning companies. The prize, initiated by the Federal Association for Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics e.V. (BME), is under the auspices of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The award was presented at the "Public Contractors' Day" by the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Uwe Beckmeyer, and Dr. Ing. Silvius Grobosch, Chief Executive Officer BME e.V. As part of the event, specialists and executives from federal, state and local governments as well as public-sector companies meet annually to exchange experiences and information.
The prize "Innovation creates a lead" honors exemplary achievements of public clients in the procurement of innovations and the design of innovative procurement processes. BMWi and BME join forces for more innovation in public procurement.
Uwe Beckmeyer: "I am pleased that once again this year I will be honoring two outstanding achievements that help to modernize procurement. I sincerely hope that these examples will spread and be further used. The awards show that innovation is also common in industries that are more traditional and down-to-earth. "
Dr. Silvius Grobosch: "Realizing innovations is a challenge at first, but in the long run it is a great opportunity and a major contribution to the modernization of the administration. The excellent concepts show innovative procurement at a high level.
One example is that, during implementation, instruments such as the competitive dialogue were applied, which are highlighted by the amendment of public procurement law. Since both concepts were implemented by the same institution, the jury decided not to award the award strictly in categories this year, but to honor the institution that has implemented innovative procurement in several areas. "
Project "Generation of sustainable success through innovative partnership cost optimization in the competitive dialogue using the example of waste and recycling containers"
The Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR) is a municipal waste management company responsible for waste management in Berlin. In the city of Berlin, mobile waste and recycling containers are mainly used for residual and biowaste from thermoplastic material (currently almost half a million containers). In order to guarantee the service provision, the permanent, safe availability of the containers is decisive.
The aim of the BSR was to develop solutions together with potential contractors and to significantly reduce costs while simultaneously optimizing quality and processes. After weighing up several procurement procedures and methods under public procurement law, BSR decided to hold a competitive dialogue. The reason for this was that the complexity of the project could be reduced through the phased processing during the dialogue phase and the entire process could be redesigned from the beginning. For the concrete implementation, a ten-step plan was developed in the project team.
The tender has been successfully completed. Two bidders received a framework agreement. Through technical modifications of the containers, the special tendering method and adapted contract terms, sustainable savings in the double-digit percentage range could be achieved compared to the old contracts. In addition, process improvements and savings were realized through optimized ordering processes and optimized logistics.
Project "Increasing the efficiency and performance of strategic purchasing through the automated provision of individual operational and strategic reports via a dashboard system"
In 2017, BSR managed a procurement volume of just under 173 million euros (net). Approximately 46,000 orders are processed per year, of which around 30,000 are decentralized on master agreements. Appropriate and meaningful key figures are required as the basis for decision-making for strategic purchasing. In order to optimize the availability, presentation and manageability of the key figures, BSR has successfully introduced a purchasing dashboard that has become a central tool for both operational and strategic purchasing, replacing old time-consuming processes.
Recurring complex manual evaluations are converted into automated reports, information that was previously contained in different evaluations is centralized and linked with the dashboard. At the same time, missing figures could be added. The number of ad hoc reports to be produced manually has fallen dramatically due to the large number of setting and filtering options in the reports. With its different active views, the dashboard has become a central, clearly arranged tool for identifying the need for action in the operational and strategic area of purchasing. It also provides supporting information for the requesting departments. It is an optimal tool for preparing new tenders or preparing for supplier talks. The automated, standardized and user-friendly provision of information has also made it easier for purchasers and purchasing controlling to increase the efficiency and performance of strategic purchasing.
Further information about the winning concepts:www.bme.de
Information about the tender "Innovation creates advantage in 2019": www.bme.de/initiativen/foerderpreise-awards/innovation-schafft-vorsprung/bewerbung
Further information:
Bianka Blankenberg
Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME)
Bolongarostraße 82, 65929 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: 0 69/3 08 38-1 08, Fax: -1 89