Whether and to what extent innovative products made of renewable raw materials are taken into account in public procurement is what the customers themselves decide on. This also depends on how quickly energy and raw material turnaround in Germany progresses.
Due to the market power of public procurement, public clients have a wide range of options on the way from a petroleum-based to a bio-based economy. This is an enormous demand for biogenic products and their innovative industries. At the same time, this could also affect the environmental behavior of citizens. This influence of public authorities on climate protection and resource conservation is also referred to in the "Federal Government Action Plan for the Material Use of Renewable Raw Materials".
For this reason, representatives of the public sector on the Agency of Renewable Resources e. V. (FNR) project "Renewable raw materials in purchasing", to examine their procurement processes for environmental effectiveness and to integrate more innovative products made from renewable raw materials into their procurement practice. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV).
Further information: www.beschaffung.fnr.de