The goal of this workshop is to inspire European, national, regional and local government officials and experts by presenting good practice case-studies on sustainable procurement, including green and social criteria.
On behalf of the European Commission, ICLEI and AEIDL have written a report on good practices in socially responsible public procurement - Making socially responsible public procurement work. 71 good practice cases. This workshop will be an opportunity to present of the cases that combine social and green aspects, to encourage others to use their procurement power to promote employment opportunities for the long-term unemployed, for disadvantaged people and for disabled people; promote decent work in global supply chains; encourage fair working conditions for the staff performing the contract; contribute reducing greenhouse gas emissions; meet other environmental goals, etc.
Aline De Cokere, procurer, City of Ghent
Ana Fe Félix, manager, La Encina
Rafael Hirt, Sustainable Economy and Procurement officer, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
Anna Lupi, Policy Officer, DG Grow Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Valentina Caimi, Project manager, AEIDL (European association for information on local development), Belgium.
The event is part of the European Week of Regions and Cities. To register, visit here
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